00:00if we build a world where it is very
compelling and straightforward for
00:05people to start building in peer to peer
communications into their apps, we really
00:11start challenging the question of Why did
you need the cloud in the first place?
00:15For most things, you didn't need the
cloud except that you did not have a way
00:20for two clients to speak to each other.
00:23But if we get rid of that,
then you stop needing to pay
00:26for most of your cloud bill.
00:28And that is one of the largest
overheads that companies face these
00:32days, and they're increasing in cost.
00:36Welcome to the local-first FM podcast.
00:38I'm your host, Johannes Schickling,
and I'm a web developer, a
00:41startup founder, and love the
craft of software engineering.
00:45For the past few years, I've been on a
journey to build a modern, high quality
00:49music app using web technologies.
00:51And in doing so, I've been falling down
the rabbit hole of local-first software.
00:55This podcast is your invitation
to join me on that journey.
00:59In this episode, I'm
speaking to Kyle Simpson.
01:02A prolific JavaScript engineer and
author of the book, You Don't Know JS.
01:07Over the past years, Kyle has been
researching user identity and encryption
01:12in a local-first context, which we
explore in depth in this episode.
01:16We start the conversation with a story
that led Kyle to local-first, including
01:20what he calls web 2.5 and zero servers.
01:24Before getting started, also a big
thank you to Rosicorp and PowerSync
01:29for supporting this podcast.
01:31And now my interview with Kyle.
01:34Hey Kyle, so nice to have you on the show.
01:36How are you doing?
01:37I'm great.
01:37Thanks for having me.
01:38I'm thrilled to be here.
01:40You've been digging into some
aspects and some corners of the
01:43local-first ecosystem that I think
not as many have yet really dug in
01:49so deeply, namely around local-first
identity, encryption, et cetera.
01:52So I'm really excited to get into
that, but, not to get ahead of myself.
01:57Maybe you want to briefly introduce
yourself, give a bit of background
02:01and, maybe share how we, how we
get to talk about this today.
02:05my name's Kyle Simpson.
02:07Most people online, and especially
in the web and JavaScript
02:10community, will know me by Getify.
02:12I've been around for a very long time
now, and, probably some of the biggest
02:17things that I'm known for is having
written the You Don't Know JS books.
02:22the first edition came out in 2014, 2015.
02:25That's a series of six
books about JavaScript.
02:28And then I did a second edition,
some of those books that we wrote
02:31in a second edition, around 2020.
02:34so that's how most people know me.
02:36I've done a lot of teaching, a lot
of conference speaking in the web and
02:39JavaScript space, and kind of tried
to promote the web as a platform.
02:44And JavaScript is a key
piece of that platform.
02:48Specifically with local-first, my
interest, I arrive at local-first
02:52kind of almost accidentally because
I was working on things that
02:57I thought we needed to create.
02:58And I didn't know that there was
anybody else that had come up
03:01with terms or pioneering this.
03:03So I sort of separately was
trying to invent something not
03:07that dissimilar from local-first.
03:08And I had a series of like specs that
I was going to try to write around
03:12it, but that comes from a passion for
why we need to own our identity, as
03:18opposed to offloading that to GitHub,
or Google, or Microsoft, or whatever.
03:23We need to own that.
03:24We need to own the control of
the data that we create, and the
03:28data that is created about us,
to whatever extent is possible.
03:32And so that kind of got me interested
in this space, this particular
03:36usage of the web platform, and
of JavaScript as a technology.
03:41I found the local-first space
through some employment, and then
03:45started getting involved in that.
03:47community, the meetup that runs
on the discord and all of that.
03:51Met Jans who runs that.
03:53And so that's what brings us to today is
that my passion kind of started over the
03:57last three to five years, really trying
to leverage what I've been able to do
04:01and what we can do with this platform
for the good of moving the web forward, I
04:06believe, back to us owning our identity.
04:11You've mentioned that I think
you had now two opportunities to,
04:14see a couple of like different
products in the local-first space.
04:18I think one of them would be Socket
Supply, which is, exploring peer to peer
04:23software, which is really interesting.
04:25And then also the AI startup, Vella.
04:28I'd be interested in hearing a little
bit more what motivated your move
04:32to work at Socket Supply, like given
the focus on peer to peer, maybe
04:38there's an interesting backstory here.
04:40Yeah, there is a little bit
of, it's a winding road, right?
04:44There's not a straight line path.
04:45so going back several years when I was
starting to get interested in this, I
04:51was looking for a job at the time because
I had gone through some layoffs and
04:54I'd been unemployed for a little while.
04:56And the company that ended up,
interviewing me, they reached out to me.
05:01interviewed me and then heavily
recruited me, was actually a
05:04Web3 company, a crypto company.
05:06Now I'd known about the Web3 crypto
space for a while, had felt like most of
05:10it was not something that I would super
get behind and endorse, especially the
05:15currency side and all the, you know,
the speculative financial instruments
05:19and all of that, not something I'm into.
05:21But I was interested because this
particular company builds smart
05:25contracts and I do think that smart
contracts are one of the core gems that
05:30I think Web3 could bring, some real
improvement to the world of software.
05:35So they recruited me and they specifically
asked, can you come and join us?
05:40And because you're so big in Web2, can
you help us attract Web2 developers?
05:44That was my role.
05:45I wasn't really an engineer.
05:46I was really more almost a dev rel,
but I needed to learn the space and
05:50so I spent that four to six months I
was there trying to immerse myself in
05:55the web3 world and understand that and
in no way do I want to say anything
06:00bad about web3, but I'm not here to
support it in any way because I ended up
06:05leaving that world because I didn't fit.
06:07I didn't fit because I don't believe
that the world that's being spun in
06:14Web3, which by the way comes from
some pretty deep roots in like the
06:18genre of cyberpunk fiction, and I
read some of those books to like get
06:23myself into the mindset of this world.
06:26I don't believe what they believe, I
think, which is that they believe that
06:31the world's current track is inevitably
going to lead to ruin, and they've created
06:38the only oasis that anybody can jump to.
06:41And they believe, I think, that it's
not only inevitable that people will
06:45jump, but that it's self evident.
06:48That people will make the jump.
06:50If just more people hear about it,
they will obviously say, let's do that.
06:54I didn't fit in that world.
06:55I'm not criticizing the people
that believe that, but they just
06:58kind of papered over that gap
that exists between web2 and web3.
07:03So over that four to six months, what
codified in my mind was there's definitely
07:08some things that we need to work on.
07:09They don't look like Web 3 at least yet.
07:13And I left and I told them I'm
leaving cause I'm going to go build
07:17what I'm going to call Web 2.5.
07:19If we ever are going to get to
Web 3, which I don't know if we
07:22are or not, not my say, but we
have to take an intermediary step.
07:27We're not going to make that jump.
07:28I feel confident in predicting
that we will not simply make
07:31that giant leap over the chasm.
07:34So we can talk about
what I define as Web 2.5.
07:39But those ideas came from kind of
swinging the pendulum too far, I think
07:45maybe, towards that decentralized
world, which is what Web3 is all about.
07:50And then saying, let's swing it back
a little bit and figure out some way
07:54to achieve that with what the web
currently is and building on top of
07:58and evolving what the web currently is.
08:00That is what led me to Socket.
08:03Socket supply.
08:04They, build a mobile,
tooling set and framework.
08:08others in that space are Tauri and Ionic
and way back in the day, PhoneGap for
08:13building hybrid applications where the
UI is built around a web and in a web
08:18view with a backend that is native and
extending the native capabilities into
08:24the web space, that's what they do.
08:26I was very attracted to that specifically
because of their ability to allow
08:32a web application to have full
peer-to-peer communications capabilities.
08:37They exposed UDP based, relay
based peer-to-peer protocol
08:42directly to a web application.
08:44I felt like that was a big, it still is
a big missing piece for the web platform,
08:49and it felt like the way to move forward.
08:52Not that I love native apps and I just
want us to all build only native apps.
08:58I really do love the web platform,
but this felt like a good compromise.
09:01If we can build an app in the web platform
and then wrap A rather thin wrapper around
09:07it to give it these extra capabilities
that for some reason, the web just
09:11won't give apps right now, then I think
we can actually move forward if we can
09:16have true peer to peer communication.
09:17So, join Socket Supply to work
on that and in particular, to
09:21work on putting encryption into
that peer to peer relay protocol.
09:26That's what I spent a lot
of my time there doing.
09:29I also did a bunch of DevRel stuff.
09:31I'm no longer with Socket.
09:32I was there for about 10 or so months.
09:34I'm not with Socket anymore,
but that was part of my journey.
09:37And then several months went by where
I was unemployed after leaving Socket
09:42before, the founder of this Vella.
09:47he's the one who runs the
meetup in the local-first space.
09:51He came to me and said, I've seen you
active in the local-first community.
09:55would you consider
helping me co found this?
09:57And the story that he spun was
incredibly attractive to me.
10:01It seemed like a really obvious place
to attach my passion for identity.
10:08What he said was I've been
working on smart assistant.
10:11It's going to use AI, but I really
believe that AI should work as
10:14much on the device as possible.
10:17Given the constraints that we have in
devices, put as much of that on the
10:20device as we can, because this is really
sensitive personal data that doesn't need
10:25to be just slurped up into the cloud.
10:27And that really resonated with
me believing in local-first.
10:31And more importantly, if you're going
to build apps like that, where you have
10:36your data on your device and you have
it on multiple devices and you really
10:41are trying to break down some of the
silos between apps like mixing your
10:46Google data and your Apple data and your
Spotify data all into this one thing.
10:51What was really obvious to me was we're
going to need a way to, if we're eschewing
10:55all of those services, then we're going
to need a way to define our identity
10:58so that we can keep things straight.
11:01And that identity needs
to be really local-first.
11:04So that's what attracted me to Vella,
was go work on the identity piece to
11:08try to help their story, progress.
11:11I spent several months with Vella,
they're a great, group of folks.
11:14Fortunately, we just I didn't
have enough funding to keep me
11:17working in a paid capacity there.
11:19I'm still advising them,
still wishing them the best.
11:21And they're, they're continuing
on in their sort of smart email
11:25inbox app to rule the world.
11:28And I hope they achieve it
because I want to use that app.
11:31I look forward to that.
11:32So that brings us kind of to today.
11:35Vella is the reason I started
putting together some of the
11:39puzzle pieces for Identity.
11:41I was going to build it for Vella, but
I'm just building it right now in the
11:45open source so that hopefully these Lego
pieces are something that apps like Vella
11:50and others, hopefully in the local-first
space will pick up and build upon.
11:55Well, that's quite the arc of like
different chapters from peer to peer
12:00to locally running AI, et cetera.
12:02I'm eager to get into each of those, but
maybe taking a few steps back, you said
12:07something that captured my attention.
12:10I'm also not a person who's
a big believer in Web3.
12:13I'm rather skeptical.
12:15If it happens and if those ideals
prevail, I won't stand in the way of it.
12:19But I'm a little bit, just
skeptical of like what it's the
12:22bad stuff it attracted so far.
12:24And so I'm very interested in
the good ideas behind that.
12:29A lot of like interesting
research that came out of that.
12:32But I agree.
12:33It is too far of a step, too of a
radical step from how things, work
12:38today and like how practical everything
is today to a much more idealistic,
12:45but in many regards still, to me,
it seems like impractical, A to B.
12:50So if there's like a middle ground
there that maybe has a bunch of like the
12:55more attractive things from the future,
from that Web3, Utopia, who knows?
13:00and you framed that as Web 2.5 . I'm
very curious how you define that
13:06and, how you then also, then
connected the dots to local-first.
13:10Yeah, so speaking specifically about
local-first, just because I know most
13:15of the people that'll be listening to
this do understand local-first, but I
13:18want to re emphasize of the seven points
of the original Manifesto from Ink
13:24& Switch I think the kind of, narrative
arc that comes out of that is that we
13:31have built software for the last 20
or almost 30 years with an increasing
13:36mindset towards server and cloud first.
13:40We build apps where we, architect
and design what that's going to be.
13:44And then we create extensions of
that experience into the client.
13:48And I think what local-first
says is let's flip that paradigm.
13:51Let's start with what can the client
experience be and what should it be?
13:56And where should that
data reside in the client?
14:00And then optionally, you might
choose to enhance that experience
14:05with a cloud or server experience.
14:07Flipping that default assumption where you
start what you prioritize when you design.
14:12I think that's one of the
most important aspects of the
14:16local-first manifesto and movement.
14:18And I would say that that requires
you to ask, what does my app do
14:25in a zero server environment?
14:27How does my app behave in
a zero server environment?
14:30Zero server is, that's my term,
not a generally accepted term,
14:35but here's how I define it.
14:37It is either that there is no
server in existence, Or, that
14:42server effectively doesn't exist
because there's no connection to it.
14:46And there's a thousand different reasons
why that connection might not exist.
14:50Might be down, might be the company went
out of business, might be flaky internet
14:55on the client or the server or both.
14:57But, Zero server means
this app is on its own.
15:01There is no connection to a mothership
and how's it going to behave?
15:05And it really should behave
like a full fidelity experience.
15:08Here's my, go to example for this.
15:11Banking apps.
15:12We all know that banking apps are
online apps, and they're all built
15:17with the assumption that when you
log into your banking app, you want
15:20to see the most instantaneous, up
to the minute information about
15:24your current bank account balance.
15:26And they certainly own the source of truth
about what your bank account balance is.
15:31No argument there.
15:32However, there's a ton of information
and functionality that is not
15:38requiring live updates of data.
15:41There's all of my previous banking
history, years and years worth, tens
15:46of thousands of transactions, some of
which might be useful if I'm preparing
15:50taxes or I'm trying to analyze my
budget or figure out what I spent
15:53things on or whatever, and I don't need
a live internet connection and a live
15:57up to date bank balance to do that.
16:00But as everybody knows, you can't log
into your bank app without an internet
16:03and get in access to that data.
16:06It's very much my data and I very much
still have the app on my device and I
16:11can't pair those two together because
there was an assumption that the server
16:14was a required piece of the puzzle.
16:17And I think that's just a failing.
16:18It's a failing of business models.
16:20It's a failing of product design.
16:22It's a failing all the
way across the board.
16:24To have not prioritized, assuming I
start with this and then we add on later.
16:30That bank app could very easily let me see
all of my data and have a very prominent
16:34icon there that says, this is not your
live bank balance or just hide the bank
16:39balance if they were really worried
about that, but they could very easily
16:42give me all that functionality on my
existing data that was kept on my device.
16:47So that's one of the reasons
I resonate with local first.
16:51And in a way, it's also the simplest
use case where basically all your
16:57transactional history is typically
like append only and immutable.
17:01It's not that your bank's going to
say like, Oh, actually like this
17:0410, 000 transaction back there,
like it's never happened but all of
17:08that is like basically set in stone
or should really be set in stone.
17:12That's like the nature of the domain.
17:14So this should make it the simplest
use case actually to support this.
17:19The CRDT there is pretty simple.
17:23In local-first terms,
there's not a lot of merging.
17:25You're right.
17:25That's a, that's a good point.
17:26Like the technical barrier
is not really there.
17:29It's, it's a failure of business
model and a product design.
17:33So, I very much believe that we need to
do those things, and, I call that version
17:40of the web, or at least that's one pillar
of what I call the Web 2.5, a web that
17:46stops being drunk on the idea that the
only way to build an app is to start with
17:51cloud infrastructure and then work your
way back to the client, but rather start
17:55with client infrastructure and maybe or
maybe not work your way toward a server.
18:00I think there's a ton of apps that
never need any servers whatsoever.
18:04The probably most motivating example
that got me interested in this
18:07space was going back several years.
18:09There's a landmark, you know, world
changing legal ruling in the U.
18:14that I'm, where I'm at, from the Supreme
Court that eliminated federal protections
18:19for women to have the right to choose
abortions, and other types of, healthcare.
18:23And I'm not a uterus having person.
18:26I can't.
18:27Get pregnant or have an abortion,
but I absolutely have people in my
18:29life that I care about that can.
18:32I have a daughter, I have a
wife, like, this matters to me,
18:35and there was actually a case.
18:37It wasn't just sort of made up.
18:38There was actually a case where
data that a woman had in a period of
18:43menstruation tracking app was Captured
and used against her by government
18:49and law enforcement authorities.
18:50And that is just like that is so
quintessentially the bad future
18:56that we never should have built.
18:57We never should have enabled.
18:59And it just snapped in my mind.
19:00Like we have the technical capability
to let people create really useful and
19:06engaging experiences around data that
they own, that is about them, that is
19:11very personal, and there's no reason
that data ever has to go out to somebody
19:15else's device because that's the trap.
19:18I make the assertion that if you do
not have custody of your data, then
19:23you do not have ownership of your data.
19:25Custody is the whole game.
19:27So when we give it out to those servers,
then of course you're going to have
19:30governments that are going to find either
ways to backdoor the encryption or legally
19:35force them to get access to that data
and they're going to use it against you.
19:39And no matter where you are on the
political spectrum, no matter where
19:43you are on the techno spectrum,
you must agree with me that that's
19:47not a future that we want to build.
19:48Where they can do whatever they want
with our data and manipulate us.
19:52That can't be what with a
rational level head says is, is
19:57what we ought to be building.
19:57But we have built that and we've
gotten dangerously close to that.
20:02So Web 2.5 is saying we need to back
away from that, completely reverse
20:06that paradigm, put data first.
20:09On the device, the way local-first
suggests, and don't even build a
20:13server if it doesn't make sense.
20:15But if it does make sense,
be restrained in doing so.
20:18That's what I mean by zero server.
20:20And I think that's also a really
interesting point about like
20:23health apps more, more broadly.
20:25I mean, a health app is typically I'm
inserting some data about myself, or
20:30maybe with like a smart device that
tracks my heart rate, et cetera.
20:35And there's probably not a
good reason to have that data
20:40be synced to a remote server.
20:42Maybe I want to have it, maybe I have like
a Apple watch and I have like an iPhone
20:47or on some other platforms, maybe those
things should sync between each other.
20:52But that a third party is the
kind of de facto source of truth
20:56where all of that data is stored.
20:58I think the only explanation for
why that is the case is because it's
21:04been so much easier to build those
sort of server centric applications.
21:09I think I might take issue with you
in saying that's not the only reason.
21:12That might be the most convenient
excuse, but I think the most salient
21:18reason is because there's much more
money to be made if my data sits in
21:23their server versus on my device.
21:25And I think that's what's driven a
lot of it, but I think you're right
21:27that We have absolutely created
a technology landscape where the
21:33easy paved cow path is to do that.
21:36I agree with that.
21:37I think those are
definitely two major points.
21:40but I think even if someone has more of
like the, aspiration to build something
21:46in the interest of a user and is maybe
not after turning this into a billion
21:52dollar monopoly, then it's still a lot
harder to build a non server centric
21:58application, at least in the past.
22:00And I think slowly but surely that is
starting to change with all of those
22:04amazing local-first technologies.
22:06But yeah, the example you've mentioned
is certainly a very stark reminder
22:11that we have to do something there.
22:14So that's one of the pillars of Web
2.5 is We need to build a Web 2.5 where
22:21the paradigm is that we own our data
and we own our identity so that we can
22:25control that data and say where it goes.
22:27Sometimes it's going to go to my devices,
like I call it my local cloud or my local
22:32ring to borrow the term web ring from.
22:3430 years ago that I'm
old enough to remember.
22:37Your local ring is all your devices.
22:39It's your watches and tablets and
laptops and phones and all that.
22:42You definitely want to share data there.
22:44And that explains why I was interested in
peer to peer technology, because that is
22:50where that is how that data should get.
22:52between my devices.
22:53By the way, I'll just, I'll make a plug.
22:55Aside from true networking based peer
to peer, which is what Socket was
23:00trying to do, and what their protocol
I think enables, whether you ever use
23:03Socket, I think they just have a great
protocol that we could build upon
23:06that's relay based and self balancing.
23:08I think there's a lot of, really
good stuff there that somebody
23:11should, should pick up and run with.
23:13But whether you use that or not, there
is actually a working group in the web
23:17standards community that's trying to
work on what's called local peer to peer.
23:21I'm very excited about this.
23:22they're trying to build an API into the
web platform that will tunnel itself
23:27over a couple of different transports.
23:29One being the local Wi Fi that Apple
and, Apple iOS and Google Android have.
23:35They're competing standards, but
they're going to try to create
23:37a web API that papers over the
difference between these standards.
23:41It uses your Wi Fi connections
to connect between devices.
23:44Failing that, it can use Bluetooth
or NFC or any other of these, like,
23:48local, localized transport layers to
be able to communicate between devices.
23:53This would be, I think, one of
the most important things the web
23:55could ever land if this happens.
23:57There is a working group on it.
23:59There's a kind of a spec already
working its way processed through.
24:03I don't think we're going
to have it in six months.
24:04There's going to take a little
while, but I'm very excited that at
24:07least finally, there's some movement
towards let's not lock down, the web.
24:12And by the way, one little side
note, there's a whole bunch of
24:15stuff that the web platform should
enable, but does not enable.
24:21Locks down or hobbles because we are,
for some reason, and we, I mean, as a
24:28community, and especially the spec bodies,
we are unwilling to admit that there is a
24:33fundamental paradigm difference between,
I've visited a web page one or more
24:39times, There's that experience, which
definitely we should be distrustful of.
24:45We should keep at arm's length.
24:46There's a difference between that
experience and I've gone to a website
24:50a few times and I really like it.
24:51And I installed that onto my device.
24:55Once I've said, I am
installing that onto my device.
24:59I am saying, just like with any other app
that I install, please let it have all
25:04the capacity that I'm willing to give it.
25:06Pop it up and have it ask me, do
I want to give it this, and this,
25:08and this, and let me say, yes, I
want to give it those permissions.
25:12I don't understand why the web thinks of
itself as a unified medium when it is used
25:19in these completely different paradigms.
25:21We need to be forking what we allow
in the web platform, based upon
25:26that flag, has it been installed?
25:29Once it's been installed, I think
that is very much implicitly the
25:32user saying, I trust this app.
25:34Let this app do what I want it to do.
25:36So things like local peer to peer,
they don't make sense for a drive
25:41by website, and you should rightly
be scared about a website being
25:44able to like talk to your watch.
25:46Like I get that, but if it's an app
that's built with web technology that
25:50a user trusted enough to install,
it should have this capability.
25:53So just a little, side rant
there, but anyway, peer to peer
25:57communication, the local ring.
25:58We absolutely need to do that,
but none of that needs servers.
26:02We can build this without servers.
26:04I love those points and I was not
aware of this, standards work body,
26:08in working in favor of bringing more
local peer to peer supports for the web.
26:14I think this is very, very much needed.
26:16Right now.
26:16I think the closest we got that also,
makes that a little more focused on my
26:23devices is like I'm using tail scale
to create sort of like a secure bridge
26:28between my devices, but that is still
on an operating system level and not
26:32something that the web platform can
easily, make use of to my knowledge.
26:38But the other point you've been making
about the distinction between a website,
26:43which you might just open once or a
few times, maybe for a webshop or for
26:48like some, news outlet that like just
has everything littered with ads.
26:54And so surely you want to be
much more careful about providing
26:58too many privileges to that.
27:00But if it's, let's say your
mail app or other sort of apps
27:04you use on a daily basis, sure.
27:07You want to give that more access and
possibly also in a way where, there
27:11is more of like a local AI context
on your device, maybe even take a
27:16step further and provide a way how a
native web app, like a native feeling
27:23app that lives in your web browser,
maybe can even get access to that.
27:26I feel like we're making
some steps towards that.
27:30so for example, for Overtone, the music
app I'm working on, I've actually just
27:35over the course of the past couple
of weeks, I've added support for
27:40file system mounting, which is not
available across all browsers but,
27:44Chromium based browser supports this.
27:47I believe Oprah also supports this.
27:49I might be wrong on this one, but I've
been primarily adding support for, because
27:54I'm using Chromium browsers myself.
27:56Are you talking about the OPFS?
27:58So there's two things.
28:00There is OPFS, which I'm already using as
a persistence mechanism for pretty much
28:05everything for also for persisting my
SQLite database and images, media assets.
28:11But there's also.
28:13a feature that has mostly the same
API as OPFS, but instead of just
28:19creating a new file system, like a
folder or files within the virtual file
28:25system, you can actually ask the user.
28:28to bring in an existing
file or existing folder.
28:32So, in my case, I would allow the
user to select their music directory
28:38from their local computer, or
possibly even from a NAS device.
28:43And so this works both for sort of
like the show file picker model, as
28:48well as for drag and dropping, an
existing file or existing folder.
28:52So this already is a big step towards
like a more native feeling experience in
28:58the web, but there's so many more aspects
to this that we haven't covered yet.
29:04networking certainly being a
big one, whether it's just TCP
29:07connections, UDP connections.
29:10One thing that I'm also somewhat hopeful
of that this might bridge the boundaries
29:16a little bit is to rely on browser
extensions to be sort of like a thing
29:22that you could trust more and that could
facilitate that additional privileges
29:27for a given website or a given web app.
29:31That's something I'm thinking
about whether I should maybe
29:33explore that for Overtone to give
you more native like affordances.
29:38but yeah, that's maybe a
topic for another episode.
29:41I've done some work in that.
29:42I actually built a web app and built a
browser extension that I could use with
29:47that web app and extended the capabilities
in like audio and visual sense.
29:52So I've done some work with that.
29:53There's a lot of challenges there, but
I do think there's a lot of potential.
29:56and in particular, one of the things
we'll talk about, I think a bit later
30:00in this episode, I very much intend
to go down the route of building,
30:06Whether they be extensions or just side
companion apps that do give extensions
30:12of capabilities to normal apps, because
there's too many barriers right now.
30:15I do just want to say, I only,
have described so far one
30:20pillar of how I define Web 2.5.
30:22There are two more and I don't, they
don't need quite as much time, but I
30:26do just want to state kind of for the
record, what, how I define it, it's
30:30just a term I made up, people may not
like it, but it's, it's how I define it.
30:35So the first pillar was we do need to
build a web where data is ours, identity
30:40is ours, and we can choose where we share
that data with our local ring of devices.
30:46We can choose if we want to share it
out to cloud for other, you know, back,
30:50there are reasons why you want to be
able to back things up or whatever.
30:54Point number two, I think this speaks
actually to, a lot of the skepticism
30:59around local-first, which is there's
no business justification for doing
31:05local-first, if it's harder, if it's
more risky, if it's newer and weirder
31:09businesses won't do it, and if businesses
won't do it, it doesn't matter.
31:13You can have all the great ideas
in the world, but it won't matter.
31:16one of the things that I liked the
most about my time at Socket Supply is
31:19they really confronted this head on.
31:21And they said, if we build a world
where it is very compelling and
31:26straightforward for people to start
building in peer to peer communications
31:31into their apps, we really start
challenging the question of Why did
31:35you need the cloud in the first place?
31:37For most things, you didn't need the
cloud except that you did not have a way
31:42for two clients to speak to each other.
31:44But if we get rid of that,
then you stop needing to pay
31:48for most of your cloud bill.
31:50And that is one of the largest
overheads that companies face these
31:54days, and they're increasing in cost.
31:57No matter what your provider is, whether
they're more specific providers like
32:01Vercel or whether they're more broad
providers like the AWS's and Azure's
32:05and Google's of the world, your bills
are going up because you're doing
32:10more and more of your stuff there.
32:12And one of the reasons you're doing
it is because it was technologically
32:14easy to do so and less risky.
32:17But the other reason you were doing so
is because somebody hadn't given you
32:20a business reason to do the reverse.
32:23one of the great things about
peer to peer designed systems is
32:27that the bigger the peer to peer
network, the lower the costs go.
32:31That's the opposite of, systems that are
centralized, the bigger the centralized
32:38system gets, the more expensive it gets.
32:39You don't get economies of scale and
you know, you're driving down your AWS
32:43bill, it goes up the more you scale.
32:45But in peer to peer systems, you
have this inverse relationship.
32:48So I think there's actually a
really compelling business case.
32:52For why companies who are trying to
figure out how do I cut down on my costs
32:57might be asking themselves, is there
any way that I could offload any of my
33:00cloud bill to peer to peer communication?
33:03And even if I did just a little bit
to start with and then realized, oh,
33:06that was great, and then I expand that.
33:08The more you expand that capability
of your apps, you will create.
33:12More compelling user experiences
than you will create in local-first.
33:16And that's important.
33:17But you'll also significantly reduce, and
maybe in some cases, completely eliminate
33:22the footprint of your cloud overhead bill.
33:25So that's number two, that I think there
is a really compelling business narrative
33:30to building a web where businesses
Can more easily compete without almost
33:35the rent seeking, landlord seeking,
Oh, we gave it to you for free when
33:39you were small, but now you're big and
we're going to just charge you an arm
33:42and a leg, and you can't get out from
underneath us, kind of thing like that.
33:46That's how drug dealers work.
33:47And that's just not a business
model we ought to be building
33:50the web on, in my opinion.
33:51So we have to fix that.
33:53That's pillar number two.
33:55And then pillar number three.
33:56I maybe personally feel the
strongest about, even more so
34:01than the ownership of data.
34:03I have been to many places in the
world that it is a reality that you do
34:08not have Unlimited internet and even
unlimited electricity to run your devices.
34:14I've been to, you know, rural towns
in Africa where people hang their cell
34:18phones off the light pole in the middle
of town to charge their phone all day.
34:23And it costs them a week's wages to do so.
34:25Like we take so many things for granted.
34:28The web should be.
34:30The largest human umbrella, the
largest umbrella that mankind has ever
34:34made, that humankind has ever made.
34:36It should be that, and it should
encompass, or be able to encompass, all
34:418 plus billion people on the planet.
34:43Right now it's serving,
like, a third of the world.
34:46Two thirds of the world is not privileged
enough to experience the same web
34:50that you and I get to experience.
34:52They don't have an always on internet
connection like the way that we're
34:54recording this right now, right?
34:56They have spotty internet, or no internet
at all, and it's metered, it costs a lot.
35:01and we are not building a web where
they can participate, and, and where,
35:05and even if they can't participate,
they can't participate as equals.
35:08They don't have the same footing.
35:10We should be, I think morally, if
not for any other reason, building
35:15a web that they can participate.
35:16And I don't see any way I don't see any
way that we extend the web to the last
35:22two thirds of the world's population.
35:25simply because some billionaire
hangs a balloon up in the air to
35:28give them internet or whatever.
35:29Like, that's not the solution.
35:31That's how billionaires want to solve it.
35:32The way I want to solve it is from
the ground up, by rebuilding the web
35:36in a way that says, once you get the
information that you need, the data that
35:40you need, or create it, and once you
have the application, you don't need the
35:45internet to keep doing what you're doing.
35:46You're a local fish farmer, you're
working, you can upload the data into
35:50the thing, you can drive to market,
synchronize with the market, and
35:53sell your goods, and you don't need
a cloud server to do any of that.
35:56We should be building that world.
35:58So that's the third pillar of what I call
Web 2.5 is building a web that actually
36:03works for all of humankind instead of
only the privileged part of the world.
36:08I love those points.
36:09And I think this is where we can also now
like close the loop nicely, since I think
36:14all of those points are really, really
welcome and like really core of what
36:19the local-first movement is all about.
36:22And I think this is also what brought
you under this local-first umbrella.
36:26I love the last two points
that you've laid out.
36:28There is not just about the
second point where you made about,
36:32the bigger a centralized system
gets, the more expensive it gets.
36:36but I think it's also, if you
think about the developers who
36:39are the creators who are building.
36:41Smaller apps that have an ambition, maybe
similar to how I'm building Overtone.
36:46I actually, I want to charge for the,
the value that the app is creating
36:51for the quality of the app, for
like the differentiation of the app.
36:56I don't want to charge for, like someone's
internet usage and the data is actually
37:03in my way there to make that happen.
37:06like data shouldn't be part of my equation
for how I'm charging for something and to
37:13make matters even worse, maybe less so for
a music app or, but for many other apps,
37:17for example, let's say someone wants to
build another, like highly specialized
37:22and highly personalized health app.
37:24This is where it's not just maybe at
some point expensive to move the data
37:28around, but it's actually data can be
seen as a liability, particularly in
37:33a more highly regulated environment.
37:35And I think this is where encryption,
which we'll get into shortly as well, I
37:41think is a very nice antidote to that.
37:44And then the last point you've made
about, like that the web shouldn't just
37:49serve the highly privileged, fraction
of the world population, I think that's
37:54also very core to local-first and maybe
another meaning to local-first as well.
38:00Not just like that local-first,
the app works in your local
38:05context, but I think it's also
that an app should maybe be more.
38:10Locally created in the
context that you're working.
38:13We've explored that in the conversation
I had with Maggie Appleton a while ago.
38:19And I think this is really what's driving
her motivation around local-first.
38:23That de facto right now, most apps that
are out there are being built by like
38:30a very small group of people living in
Silicon Valley, living in New York, a
38:36few hub, like hubs within the world.
38:39but that's actually not where most of
the people are that are using the apps.
38:44If we address many of the underlying
challenges that we want to solve with
38:49local-first, I think this can also
empower and enable so many more local
38:55creators to build much more specialized
and custom apps for specific local
39:01parts of, different parts in the world.
39:04So I just want to offer that as an
extension to the last point you made.
39:09Yeah, 100%.
39:10I love that.
39:10You know, a good way of saying that
is that it's built by the privileged
39:14for the privileged, but why not let
everybody build what, you know, I'm
39:18never going to be able to understand
what that fish farmer needs, but if we
39:21can empower him to build the thing that
he needs, he'll understand it better.
39:24And he would be in a much better position
to build an experience that works for him.
39:29We need to create the pieces of that
puzzle for other people to assemble
39:34rather than assuming I'm not going
to build all the world's apps.
39:37I know that I'm hopefully going to
build a couple of Lego pieces that
39:40will be useful in many of those apps.
39:43So let's shift gears a little bit and
get a little bit more technical since
39:47one ingredient we'll need to make all
of this happen is not just moving data
39:52around, which we've explored in many other
conversations on this podcast so far.
39:57But one particular aspect of that is
also that like, not just two random
40:02devices are exchanging data in a
completely trustless way, but a device
40:07might also be owned by a person who
has a particular identity or might even
40:13on that given device have maybe there
might be multiple identities at play.
40:18And so how do you retain an identity?
40:20How do you, kind of exchange identity
information, that your, I love the way
40:27how you put it, like your device ring,
how all of those devices can trust each
40:31other, how all of that is made work,
how, and I think there's this typical
40:35tension in security where if you want
to make it secure, that often comes at
40:40the cost of convenience and vice versa.
40:43And that's sort of.
40:44Sweet middle ground where it's
both convenient and secure.
40:47I think that's also very tricky.
40:49So this is an area that you've really
deeply explored and you've built a
40:54whole bunch of different projects.
40:56I think one of them is
being the Lofi.ID, project.
41:00You also have another project
on GitHub called Local Vault.
41:03So maybe you want to give us an
introduction to what you've been
41:07working on there, and then we
can take it one step at a time.
41:11Yeah, so big picture overview.
41:13is that if you are going to own data
on your device, and that's going to be
41:19the source of authority for that data,
which is the premise for local-first,
41:24then I believe that you both need to
be able to secure that data, meaning
41:29securing it at rest, which involves
encryption, and you're going to be
41:33able to need to Securely ensure that
data goes only where you want it to go.
41:39Plain text data being sent around
and backed up in other places,
41:43that's not going to cut it.
41:44So we are going to need encryption
to be part of this equation.
41:49And To boil a lot of real complicated
technology down to hopefully
41:54something that just about anybody
can understand, we have this who's
41:58protecting the master key problem.
42:02No matter what encryption scheme you
design, whether it's password based,
42:06where you derive an encryption key from
something that I type in, or whether
42:11it's I've generated a key and I'm going
to Randomly, and that is your encryption
42:15key, no matter which mechanism, or there's
a bunch of other variations thereof,
42:19but no matter which mechanism you have,
you have this kind of encryption upon
42:24encryption upon encryption, but at the
very top of that chain, you have the
42:27master key, the master password, whatever.
42:30And how do you protect that?
42:32That's the common problem.
42:33And in fact, going all the way back
to the work that I did at Hero,
42:37the Web3 company that I worked at,
they had a very similar problem.
42:41They were trying to create smart
contracts around the Bitcoin chain with
42:45the separate blockchain, and they needed
the ability to, you know, to round trip
42:50transactions in a completely trustless
way between one blockchain and the Bitcoin
42:56blockchain, between Stacks and Bitcoin.
42:57And they have this exact same
problem, which is who's going
43:00to hold the master keys?
43:01And how are you going to do
that in the open, but not
43:03let everybody have it, right?
43:04So we always run into this problem of It
all sounds well and great until we get
43:10to the final piece of the puzzle, which
is how do you handle the master password?
43:13I've been banging my head on
this for years, trying to figure
43:16out there's got to be some way.
43:18And the advent of biometric passkeys
was when the lightbulb went off for me.
43:23Because What Passkeys do and what
the biometric subsystems on these
43:28devices do is they offer a, I think,
compelling answer to that question,
43:34which is there is no perfect storage
for the most secure root, master,
43:41passkey, whatever you call it.
43:43There's no perfect solution, but the
best that we can get is dedicated
43:47hardware on the device that is not
Just free and open to any app, right?
43:53If we can have a dedicated hardware
for this purpose, the secure enclave or
43:58whatever it's called, and then we can
have operating systems that are designed
44:01to very strong, strictly control access
to that, and it's designed in like a
44:06write only way, you cannot read from it.
44:08You can write to it once, and
then you can never read from it.
44:11You can send data in and get results
back out, but you can never ask that
44:15thing to give you its private key.
44:17That really offers, I think, the most
compelling answer we've had so far
44:21to where do we store the master key?
44:24But one of the big problems with that,
it's not in and of itself a solution
44:28to this, to this question is because.
44:32I don't have access to that key.
44:34That means I can't use that key
for encryption purposes myself.
44:40I can create a passkey with my thumbprint
or my face or whatever, but I can't
44:45get access to that key material to
use it for my own encryption purposes.
44:49And I couldn't figure out how we were
going Make passkeys work in a zero
44:54server assumption where there's no
servers and in a way that I could
44:58piggyback upon it to create encryption.
45:01And then it occurred to me that we can
actually bury the key material in the
45:06passkey by way of the user ID field,
or there's actually another mechanism
45:11that is coming along that I think
will be even better than the user ID.
45:14But the main point is, we can actually
piggyback on top of these passkeys.
45:18And in this secure part of the
device, store something in a way
45:22that I think is maybe 99 percent
guaranteeable, that's a lot better
45:27than almost 0 percent guaranteeable
with anything that's in userland apps.
45:31Is it perfect?
45:33But it's absolutely a, you know, a
paradigm step up in terms of security.
45:39And so the whole rest of everything
that I'm building is based on that
45:43one assumption, which is where we're
going to solve the master passkey
45:46problem is by basing this on passkeys.
45:50That does have some
questions that it raises.
45:54How are we going to onboard apps?
45:57on devices that do not already
have biometric capabilities.
46:01They don't have these secure hardware.
46:04I think the good news is that more
and more devices are getting that.
46:07And I think that will continue.
46:08I don't think we will see a,
you know, a pullback in that.
46:12I think we will see more and more
devices getting those capabilities.
46:15So over time that becomes less and
less of a problem, but we do need
46:19an exit ramp for not just telling
somebody, sorry, you're out of luck.
46:24So I've been working on some ideas
around creating kind of a secondary
46:29way of doing things that's not
biometrics based, pattern drawing
46:33that's more complicated and can
create more entropy, things like that.
46:37So I think we do need some exit
ramps there, but I'm going to make
46:39the assumption that for the primary
class of devices that we want to
46:44target here, we have the biometrics.
46:47Once we have that, once
we have that capability.
46:49We needed a way to be able to manage
pass keys without relying upon servers.
46:54So the first library that I wrote
was WebAuthn Local Client, which was
46:59designed to wrap around the web API
that exposes the passkey subsystem,
47:04but doesn't make any assumptions
about communicating with the server.
47:07the use cases in local-first don't need
what the server would do anyway, so that's
47:13not a problem, but it's just no other
libraries out there that I had found where
47:17it could work if you didn't have a server.
47:19So I wrote a library that exposed
that API in a way that made the
47:23assumption you weren't going
to communicate with the server.
47:26You were going to store things securely.
47:28You were going to generate
the challenges on device.
47:31You were going to keep track of
the key and verify that was coming
47:35out was not man in the middle.
47:36You were going to do all of that.
47:37on device, not on server.
47:40So that's what WebAuthn local client was.
47:41That was the first little
piece of the puzzle.
47:45Then I said, okay, well now we need a
way to, piggyback on top of the passkey
47:51system and create something that we can
use for encryption purposes so that we can
47:55protect data both at rest and in transit.
47:58we need some keys.
47:59And I did a lot of research in this.
48:01I'm not an expert.
48:02I'm not a mathematician.
48:04But I settled on, this was back when I was
working at Socket, I settled on, Elliptic
48:09Curve keys, specifically the Edwards
key, the ED25519 key pair as the best
48:17master key pair because you can generate,
that can be used for signing, and you
48:21can generate a sub key pair from that.
48:23That's the Curve 25519 keys
for encryption and decryption.
48:28I settled on that as the best, but
that's not the only way of doing it.
48:31And certainly anybody else could
substitute their own encryption,
48:34or maybe we're going to need to
upgrade that encryption in a post
48:38quantum world in some few years.
48:40But, that's where I landed was,
let's use that, because I think
48:43that's good enough and strong enough.
48:45And I found the Libsodium library,
which is big and complex, but it's,
48:49I been ported to tons of platforms
and that was important to me.
48:53And so I based the ideas around securing
our data on that type of key pair.
48:59So we generate a 25519 key pair.
49:03We take the seed of that, or in my
library, I call it an IV, but IV
49:07or seed, we take the seed of that.
49:09And that's what we store in the passkey.
49:11And with that information coming back
out, each time you put your thumbprint
49:14or your face ID in, you can reconstitute
that key pair and then decrypt
49:19whatever data was previously encrypted.
49:21That is how we fix that
master password problem.
49:26So I built a library to help you do that
and that's called local datalock is the
49:30library that wraps around the WebAuthn
local client, but then it does the
49:35generated encryption key, stick the seed
into the passkey, it does all that stuff.
49:41it does not do anything
about storage of it.
49:44So you might use local data lock when
all you care about was transmitting
49:47secure data, but it does provide
the pieces for the next one.
49:52The next one was we need to figure out
how we're going to store that data in
49:58an encrypted fashion on the device.
50:01And then, so it's encrypted on
write and decrypted on read.
50:05How are we going to do that?
50:06Well, I actually realized I need
two pieces, not only one to manage
50:09the encryption piece, but actually
I needed a library to manage the
50:12storage piece, because there's
a lot of different variations of
50:15storage, as we were just talking
about with OPFS and things like that.
50:19So I built the Two libraries
to help with this piece.
50:22One library is, I've spun out actually,
it's not even local-first really, it's its
50:28own thing, which is just abstracting local
client storage in a key value way across
50:35all the five major storage mechanisms.
50:37So cookies, local storage, session
storage, indexDB, and OPFS.
50:42And technically under OPFS, there's
two different ways of managing it.
50:45One is more device limited, but
it's the in thread communication
50:51that you can do, asynchronously.
50:53But the more broader device support,
basically all devices at this
50:58point, or all modern devices at
this point, is OPFS in a worker.
51:02and if you do OPFs in a worker, which
you're nodding because you've seen
51:06the same problem, but managing workers
and all of that stuff is difficult.
51:09So that's what this library does, is it
abstracts across all of those mechanisms
51:13the exact same asynchronous key value API.
51:17And that library is called Storage.
51:19It's part of my BYOJS Bring
Your Own JavaScript initiative.
51:23so we'll have a link to that.
51:24But that storage library, even if
you didn't do anything local-first,
51:28you just wanted to store data, I
think that would be useful to help.
51:31Think of it as kind of a more
modern Local Forage, maybe.
51:34Local forage has been around for a decade,
but it's not really maintained anymore,
51:38and it didn't support all the mechanisms.
51:41I think storage is a compelling
option to look at if you're sticking
51:47anything on a local device, even in
local storage, maybe have a better
51:50API and a more secure API for that.
51:53So first of all, storage there, that
has nothing to do with encryption.
51:55It's just The raw reading
and writing from a disk.
52:00And then the last piece of the puzzle,
the one you mentioned before, is the
52:03local data vault . So that library is
what takes storage, WebAuthn, local data
52:08lock, and all those pieces together,
and gives you that local vault, which
52:15is a secure, encryption secured, based
on passkeys, encrypt on write, Decrypt
52:20on read key value storage mechanism.
52:23And you can, of course, choose which
of those places you want to store, like
52:27store it in IndexedDB or store it in OPFS.
52:29But it does all the encryption
and decryption stuff for you
52:33based on the passkey subsystem.
52:35So that's what I've built so far.
52:38Where all of that is going
is towards, there's two ways
52:43that I see this happening.
52:44First of all, I think apps can start
to use, web apps can start to use those
52:49libraries, whatever pieces of that makes
sense to you, use all of it, use part of
52:54it, but start to use those pieces to do
some of this stuff yourself in your own
52:58apps, build your own solution if you want.
53:01I also think that we need to
lower the barrier for apps
53:04to do a lot of this stuff.
53:05And I also think that the more
consolidated of approach we get,
53:09the better chance we have of
something like this catching on.
53:12And so instead of just writing like
a standards doc and saying, if you do
53:17it, you have, you must do it this way.
53:19the approach I'm going to take is to
build a companion Wallet app that allows
53:24you to manage as a user, any number
of your own identities, Protected, of
53:29course, through this passkey subsystem.
53:32And apps will have an SDK that they
can interact with the Wallet app,
53:37whether that Wallet app is a browser
extension, like we mentioned a little
53:40while ago, or whether it's a literal
actual side, you know, companion app.
53:44They'll be able to interact
with that app to ask that app,
53:48Hey, tell me who this user is.
53:51Tell me that it's the same
user as they were before.
53:53That's one question.
53:55So instead of them needing to build
their own authentication, they'll
53:57simply make a call to this Wallet and
say, verify for me that this user is
54:01who they say they are and give me back
their identifier, which might be their
54:05key or some other UUID that you specify.
54:08That's one question.
54:09But also I think those apps shouldn't need
to roll their own encrypt all of my data
54:15and decrypt it all and all of that stuff.
54:17So they'll also be able to provide
the data to the Wallet app and ask
54:22it to encrypt it for them through
that SDK and decrypt it for them.
54:26And again, based all
of that around passkey.
54:28So they don't need to
invent any of that stuff.
54:30The Wallet app will just
take care of it for them.
54:33And then the last piece of the puzzle is.
54:35if you build an app, let's say like
it's a, you know, it's a note taking
54:39app, or it's a social media app,
or whatever, and it does need to
54:41communicate with other devices, instead
of you doing your own synchronization
54:46logic, I think we can actually have
the Wallet app built with peer to peer
54:50capabilities so that my Wallet app on
my phone and my Wallet app on my laptop
54:55and on my tablet can synchronize my
identities, but can also synchronize
54:58userland app data through the Wallet.
55:01Use the Wallet as a tunnel
to do synchronization.
55:04when I say synchronization, I do not
mean that I'm solving anything that what,
55:10what the larger local-first community
says when they say synchronization
55:13with all the CRDTs and all the
merging and stuff that I want to
55:17leave open to this community to solve.
55:19You can plug in whatever.
55:21CRDT systems you think make sense and
whatever strategies you make sense.
55:25I'm simply going to provide the transport
layer through peer to peer various peer
55:29to peer technologies in this Wallet app
so that those bits can get from my phone
55:34to my watch, to my laptop, to my tablet.
55:37And then you'll, your app will
decide what do we do with that?
55:40In your own app logic, you'll decide
how do we merge these competing
55:44sets of bits that are coming in.
55:46I just don't want for people to have to
go invent all of their own wheels there.
55:49And I think a single unified Wallet
app will allow people to do that.
55:54there's other things that I want that
Wallet app to do, but that's kind
55:57of the main, starting point, the 1.
55:590 that I want this Wallet app
to do is to give that to the
56:02local-first community and say, please
consider building upon that Lego.
56:07So this was a lot and, kudos to you
for doing such comprehensive research,
56:14deliberating the different options.
56:16There's always like so many different
paths that you could go in regards
56:20to like all of the different
decryption encryption mechanisms, like
56:25choosing, should you use Libsodium?
56:27Should you use WebCrypto?
56:29Should you use other things, for
what it's worth for Overtone?
56:32I've also landed on using
Libsodium, which, I needed to even
56:36compile my own WASM version to
trim it down a little bit more.
56:40but, yeah, so you've covered a
lot of ground there and I have
56:44a few follow up questions where
I would love to learn more.
56:48also one observation that I just,
as someone who appreciates like
56:53good terminologies and clear
concepts, I just love the term Vault.
56:58As something that, both signals like, Hey,
this is something where it can put stuff
57:02in and get stuff out and it is secure.
57:05So a vault being sort of that combination
of your storage mechanism and that
57:11search mechanism has nothing to do
with encryption at that point, but if
57:14you then combine it with encryption
and decryption, that makes a vault.
57:19I think that's a very intuitive concept
that is, that works both as a concept for
57:24developers, as well as even for end users.
57:28like I think this is what also 1Password,
for example, has started to use.
57:33And I think, 1Password users are
familiar with that also, I'm sure
57:37for other password managers as well.
57:40And so that as a concept, I
hope that it's not just a.
57:44a concept that is used within the
local vault and like the stack that
57:49you're exploring here but hopefully
that's something that as a term,
57:53can be useful for others as well.
57:56Yeah, I agree.
57:57I think it does communicate
what it needs to.
57:59I workshopped that with some of my
social media community, by the way.
58:03I had lots of different suggestions and
I, you know, kind of pieced together
58:06various things, but I workshopped
some of the naming of this, you know,
58:10crowdsourced it because I wanted to
make sure I got a name that really
58:13communicated properly, what I was up to.
58:16So to me, it sounds like you've landed
on a great option here and I might
58:20actually steal that for myself and,
the ways how I'm like in my own data
58:25stack, where I have a database right
now, it's not encrypted address,
58:28but I want to encrypt it more.
58:30And so maybe I can also use
for the SQLite database there.
58:35Maybe I can also start calling
that a vault if it's encrypted.
58:38I like that a lot.
58:39and I also like how you've
already thought a step further.
58:43it's not just as that, like as a tech
stack that can be implemented by a
58:48given apps or high level libraries,
but also from a user perspective, if
58:53you're not just going to use one app,
the kind of part of the entire promise
58:57here is that, like here you have data
in one app and data in another app.
59:02That, and maybe those apps want to
work together and that is actually
59:06something that is like really, really
difficult in today's web2 world.
59:12Where like, just think about
like how much of an effort it is.
59:15That's maybe the best we got.
59:16Maybe it's like a Slack, integration
that like Slack is like a little bit more
59:22aware of like what that Figma link means.
59:26And, I can open it all in my browser.
59:29So from my perspective, it kind
of feels like, Oh my gosh, why
59:31don't you have that context?
59:33So if we, embrace a little
bit more of the user.
59:37The identity concepts, and then also let,
that dictate a little bit of the share,
59:43the context sharing and access control.
59:45I think that can lead to
much better user experiences.
59:49there've been many, many years of
attempts to create in the mobile space.
59:54there was like web intents and then
web share and share intents and like
59:58all these other variations and it went
through various different names and
1:00:03standards processes stumbled with it.
1:00:05I don't even know where that currently
stands, but that's exactly where I'm
1:00:08headed is basically, let's just get around
any of those limitations and allow, for
1:00:13example, a use case where, you know, I
might be in a local-first note taking app,
1:00:18and I might have written a note and I want
to, you know, copy a piece of that note,
1:00:22and I want to send that out to one of my
text messaging recipients or one of my
1:00:26chat recipients or whatever, so I can take
that note and I can synchronize, I can
1:00:31share that information to this other app
in a fully secure, end to end secured way.
1:00:36But it ends up in my other app, and
that other app pops up, and there it is,
1:00:40in the exact same way that, you know,
you can currently do sharing intents.
1:00:45Native apps have that, but the web has
always been, you know, a third class
1:00:50citizen at best in that sort of cross
app collaboration and in sharing story.
1:00:57And I think we can make it a
fully first class story this way.
1:01:01And I think that also takes us in
possibly even a step further that
1:01:05goes beyond today's conversation.
1:01:07so far we talked about identity
and also a part of that identity is
1:01:12like authenticating as assuming that
identity or being denied that identity.
1:01:17that's often abbreviated as Auth, but
Auth can also mean another non abbreviated
1:01:24word, which is authorization, which I
think this is not yet covering that,
1:01:29but there, I want to plug another very
interesting project that is more around
1:01:34authorization, which is called Beehive.
1:01:37that's also been published on
the Ink and Switch website.
1:01:41and there's currently,
I think, not yet a full.
1:01:44Inc & Switch style essay about that, but
there are some notes being taken on this.
1:01:50And so this is a project that, Brooklyn
Zelenka and Alex Good is currently
1:01:54working on that is, also ongoing
research in combination with AutoMerge.
1:02:00And Brooklyn has been exploring a lot
of that, as her previous work On vision
1:02:05and related projects, so, and this is
where, the authorization concepts to my
1:02:10understanding is sort of based around
the ideas of capabilities and, that
1:02:17different users can basically, share
capabilities, and privileges basically
1:02:22up to a level that they have themselves,
whether it's read or write and so on.
1:02:27So I'm sure this is like an equally
deep and challenging topic and, but they
1:02:32feel a little bit, complementary to me.
1:02:35So hopefully there's like some
convergence here as all of
1:02:39those are like very deep topics.
1:02:41I did see that Beehive
announcement just recently.
1:02:44I think that's great.
1:02:45I think we need a lot of different
flowers blooming in this field to figure
1:02:49out and find the places where there's
going to be overlap and collaboration.
1:02:53By the way, just as a little bit of a
side note, I literally just yesterday.
1:02:57learned something that maybe everybody
else listening has already known
1:03:00and I didn't know, but just for the
benefit of the audience, the word
1:03:04auth is you, A U T H as you correctly
point out, is a little too ambiguous.
1:03:08It's a little too shortened
because we don't know, do you mean
1:03:11authentication or authorization
1:03:13but I saw somebody do auth
Z for authorization versus
1:03:17auth n for authentication.
1:03:19So if we just add on that one extra
letter to that shortened word auth,
1:03:23n or auth z then we know maybe
better what we're talking about.
1:03:28So I learned that yesterday and I'm
going to use that going forward.
1:03:32I was not aware of that, what that
little letter N in that context meant.
1:03:38there's also what you've
mentioned, web auth N.
1:03:41Maybe that is what it's already using.
1:03:45Well, today I learned, thank you
for sharing that little learning.
1:03:49and kudos to everyone who
was already aware of that.
1:03:53So I have not personally used passkeys
yet as part of the applications
1:03:58I'm working on, but I am using
applications that use passkeys.
1:04:03I'm like more and more like.
1:04:04One web service after another
is like rolling out support
1:04:07for it, and I currently manage
pass keys as part of 1Password.
1:04:12I'm giving 1Password the benefit
of a doubt that they do manage
1:04:16all of that securely for me.
1:04:17maybe there's like at some point
1Password armageddon but hopefully not.
1:04:22knock on wood but, Using web keys for
your own web applications or applications
1:04:28more generally, can you help me through,
understanding that what that entails?
1:04:33Like, what are the boundaries of that?
1:04:34For example, if my, either one
password manages my pass keys, or
1:04:40if my operating managers pass keys,
what does that mean in terms of re
1:04:46authenticating on another device.
1:04:47So let's say I'm like, you've
built this amazing note taking app.
1:04:52I'm starting to use it
on my desktop computer.
1:04:56I have like gone through like some
sort of initial setup process.
1:05:00I needed to like scan my finger.
1:05:02So the passkey was created.
1:05:04And now let's say on my tablet, I
want to also work on the same notes.
1:05:10How does the setup
process there look like?
1:05:12Do I use, for example, as I'm in
the Apple ecosystem, do I trust
1:05:16Apple to synchronize pass keys?
1:05:19Is there like a more manual
pairing step that I need to do?
1:05:22Similar to how, like in, WhatsApp, for
example, there's the QR code scanning.
1:05:28What are the, are there
different ways, how to do that?
1:05:30Is that just taken care of?
1:05:32Can you help me understand that?
1:05:34Yeah, absolutely.
1:05:35So, we need to be very clear that there's
the standard way that almost all web
1:05:41apps, basically, practically all of
them, are currently doing it, which
1:05:45involves a server, and then we need to
distinguish that from what I'm proposing
1:05:49as is the future for local-first, which
is servers become optional, and in
1:05:55many cases, don't exsist at all, right?
1:05:57That's the zero server
world that I was pitching.
1:06:00So the way that things currently work
and the way almost all web apps, you
1:06:04know, my bank uses biometrics, so
let's just use them as an example.
1:06:09So what my bank obviously has is a source
of authority record about who I am, and
1:06:15they want to make sure that I'm the only
one, no matter what device I come in from,
1:06:18I'm the only one who can access their
source of authority for my banking info.
1:06:23the way that they do that is they have
multiple authentication mechanisms
1:06:28attached to my account in their server.
1:06:31They have a username and password,
of course, because you're going to
1:06:34have to access this from devices
where that's the only option.
1:06:38But they also have Other records in,
associated with my account that are the
1:06:44pass keys that I have registered when
I was already authenticated with the
1:06:49bank account through some other means,
including potentially another pass key.
1:06:53Anytime they have an inbound,
here's a new pass key.
1:06:56They just associate that
with my account as well.
1:06:59So I have like two or three different
devices where I have pass key
1:07:02authenticated with my bank and their,
I don't know their database structure,
1:07:06but a, Ostensibly, they have like a
one to many relationship from my user
1:07:09account to all the various different
ways that they know that it's me, right?
1:07:14So any inbound passkey that
looks like this, it belongs to
1:07:19Kyle, show him his bank account.
1:07:21So the way that process works is that on
the server, in a place that they fully
1:07:24control, as opposed to in the web or a
client that they may not control, on the
1:07:29server, they generate a random challenge,
which is just a random set of numbers.
1:07:34They sent that up to the device where
the passkey is going to be presented.
1:07:39And that challenge is sent into.
1:07:42The device, and it is encryptically,
it is digitally signed, doing
1:07:48a digital signature, which
is different from encryption.
1:07:51They create a digital signature using
the internal private key of your
1:07:56passkey that nobody has access to.
1:07:58It's stuck in the secure hardware.
1:08:00Nobody can get at it, right?
1:08:02They send that signature back out, and
they send that signature along with
1:08:06the public key that you've already got.
1:08:08That's what you've stored, is you've
stored the public key already.
1:08:11But they send that signature back to the
server, and the server checks to make sure
1:08:15that it was able to create a signature
that matches the public key that they
1:08:19already know is your passkey, right?
1:08:22So that's how they know that it was
the same you on whichever device is if
1:08:27you were able to successfully sign the
challenge and send it back to the server.
1:08:31What many of these services do is
have that one to many relationship
1:08:38where you could have as many of
these biometric keys as you want.
1:08:41Some of them are a little bit more
naive or ignorant where they just
1:08:45literally have one, but the, Important
thing from their perspective is
1:08:51that they have an identifier that
they know is me, that my bank has
1:08:56an identifier that they know is me.
1:08:58I don't know what that is, but they
have an identifier they know is me.
1:09:01And they either are going to stick
that in the passkey, So that when
1:09:04that passkey comes back in, that they
know it was me, or they're going to
1:09:08manually store that public key or
both, but they're going to be able to
1:09:12match those things up and say, this
challenge came from a device that Kyle
1:09:17owns and has previously told us is him.
1:09:22So we're going to let him
have access to his bank.
1:09:24That's basically how passkeys work.
1:09:26Currently work.
1:09:27I've glossed over some details, but it's
basically how passkeys currently work.
1:09:30And so you notice that the server is
playing an important role here because
1:09:35the server ostensibly can't be compromised
to generate a fake or replayed challenge.
1:09:43The server keeps track of every challenge
that it's ever sent out, and it never
1:09:46sends out the same challenge twice, and
all of these others, like, secure things.
1:09:51And also, the server, because it's going
to be what's called FIDO2 compliant,
1:09:56this really complex specification, that
basically does a, traversal of the public
1:10:03key certificates for the relying party
to verify that it is in fact, I mean, for
1:10:09the authenticator to verify that it is in
fact a valid authenticator and not some
1:10:14made up, you know, faked one or whatever.
1:10:16So FIDO2 servers do all
of that complex stuff.
1:10:19some apps, I would imagine probably
banks They really, really care about
1:10:23this stuff and they probably implement
all of that complexity in the backend.
1:10:27I would wager to say that most apps
do not verify the authenticity.
1:10:34They simply rely on, if you sent me a
matching signature, I'm good with it.
1:10:39Even if it was a man in the
middle, I don't care, whatever.
1:10:42A bank definitely cares if I've had
a device that's been compromised and
1:10:46there's a man in the middle, that's,
you know, taken over my authenticator.
1:10:49So they are probably going to keep
running up the flagpole of the public
1:10:53key certificates, you know, all the way
up to the root certificate or something.
1:10:57They're probably going to do
that, but most apps are not.
1:11:00But that's why you have a FIDO2
servers, because you do not want
1:11:03to do that complexity yourself,
and you definitely don't want to
1:11:06try to do that in the browser.
1:11:07Now, we move to this other way of
thinking, which is that there is
1:11:12no central, decision of who I am.
1:11:16There's no like central source
of authority for who I am.
1:11:19Who I am is just simply that I
have chosen to collect a bunch of
1:11:23me's together into one identity.
1:11:26One me on my phone, one me on
my laptop, one me on my tablet.
1:11:30That's me in an identity sense, right?
1:11:33It's not me in a humanness sense, but
it is me in a digital identity sense.
1:11:37And, that's what the bank has done.
1:11:39You know, they've verified my
humanness by make, you know, I
1:11:42couldn't open an account without a
driver's license and other things.
1:11:45We're not dealing with that part of
authentic, you know, of identity right
1:11:49now, we're just simply talking about
digital identity is a collection of
1:11:53essentially these key pairs that I have
said, these three key pairs constitute
1:11:59me across my different devices.
1:12:00When we start talking about how do
I synchronize my passkeys, in that
1:12:05scenario I was describing before, you
created a different passkey on each
1:12:09device, and that bank kept track of
each of those different passkeys.
1:12:13But you notice that I said some,
don't let you do multiple pass keys.
1:12:17They only let you do one.
1:12:19And that is why Google and Apple
allow you now to both of them now
1:12:24support this Google just recently,
but they now allow you to synchronize
1:12:28your pass keys between your devices,
using your Google or Apple accounts.
1:12:32So I could literally have the
same, you know, passkey on
1:12:37my phone and on my laptop.
1:12:39But something really important to
note is, it's not actually the same
1:12:43passkey, because the device is still
generating the secure key pair.
1:12:49What they synchronized was not the
actual secure enclave key pair,
1:12:54because that's not even possible.
1:12:56The hardware is holding
on to the key pair.
1:12:58What they're synchronizing is just the
metadata in that user ID field and the
1:13:02user handle and all that other stuff.
1:13:04That's what's being synchronized
so that that matches up.
1:13:07So my same ID shows up in Two
different passkeys, but it looks
1:13:12to the bank as if it's one passkey.
1:13:17That's basically what that
synchronization is happening.
1:13:22Rightly or wrongly, but I think rightly,
people have complained that passkeys
1:13:27are definitely more user complex.
1:13:29People have to think about like, you
know, all of this synchronization
1:13:32stuff, which is why nobody does that
anymore with their usernames, passwords.
1:13:36Almost everybody's using
a password manager.
1:13:39And it's why I'm arguing that since the
world is using password managers, we
1:13:43can just have essentially a password
manager that I'm going to call a Wallet
1:13:47that does the same stuff for you.
1:13:49You don't want to worry
about, Synchronizing between
1:13:53all your different devices.
1:13:54That's crazy, right?
1:13:55So back to the local-first world.
1:13:58Since I'm simply saying that I'm
going to create these identities on
1:14:03my different devices, and I'm going
to kind of group them together,
1:14:06I'm going to decide when they sync.
1:14:08the Wallet can actually synchronize
those key pairs between devices.
1:14:13So you could literally say, I want the
exact same key pair on all of my devices.
1:14:18And then the way that you're authorizing,
the way that a device is knowing that
1:14:22it's okay, we basically just flatten
it out to, if you're able to decrypt
1:14:26the data, then you have the identity.
1:14:28And if you're not able to decrypt the
data, then you don't have the identity.
1:14:31We've just basically
simplified the whole thing.
1:14:34Now, I recognize that
there are trade offs here.
1:14:36We don't have quite as strong of an
assertion as we do in the bank account
1:14:41centralized server world, but I'm going
to actually argue, not even on this
1:14:46podcast, but just as my continuing
work, I'm going to argue that it's
1:14:51better for us to move in this direction.
1:14:53It's better for us to not
have banks getting to have
1:14:56the say so about who we are.
1:14:58It's better for us to get to say that.
1:15:00So I'm going to argue
that those trade offs.
1:15:02are actually an improvement, not
a downside, but there are trade
1:15:06offs where we don't have quite the
same level of central authority
1:15:10guaranteeing as somebody's humanness.
1:15:13So I appreciate you giving me a
very deep introduction and beyond
1:15:18an introduction, quite the lecture
in a positive sense on refreshing
1:15:23my own knowledge and understanding
on like some cryptography aspects
1:15:27and how those things work together.
1:15:30And I think there is an interesting
evolution that will probably, is
1:15:34already happening and will just
continue to happen, where security
1:15:38is really, really difficult.
1:15:39Like, like you said, like a bank needs
to go all the way, and there's like
1:15:43many pieces of our technology there
that we're using, like a browser itself
1:15:48probably being one of them, where it
needs to go really great extents to
1:15:53make everything as secure as possible.
1:15:55And while still trying to make us
things as simple and easy for both
1:16:01users and developers as possible.
1:16:03And there's like this really interesting
middle ground and where there's still
1:16:08this tension of like, okay, sure you
can make it a tad easier for users.
1:16:12And that might come at
the expense of security.
1:16:15But that boundary is also
like shifting slightly.
1:16:18And I would say passkeys have
actually been, both a step forward
1:16:22in terms of security for users.
1:16:24And also, things are moving
in a direction where they also
1:16:27actually become easier for users.
1:16:30I think, yeah, I think we've got
some growing pains where right
1:16:33now, at the immediate as we're
having this conversation, it
1:16:36does feel harder to most people.
1:16:39But I think we, We have made a
paradigm shift where we will absolutely
1:16:44achieve what you're talking about.
1:16:45Because If you just take a step back and
you think about all the complexity that
1:16:50is currently around the username and
password standard for authentication,
1:16:55which requires people to like pick new
passwords for all their device, all their
1:17:00accounts, but nobody, most people don't.
1:17:02And then all the different requirements,
like this site requires capital
1:17:06letters and this one requires numbers.
1:17:07And most people don't even manage that.
1:17:09Now they just let a
password manager do it.
1:17:11And then all the complexity around what
happens when my password gets known.
1:17:16And I did share it.
1:17:17And now that can be used, like all
of that stuff completely goes away.
1:17:21And in replacement is my
thumbprint or my face.
1:17:26Now I understand that getting to
that point is definitely a bit
1:17:30of an uphill climb that we're
getting closer to the top of.
1:17:33But once we are there, I cannot imagine
that any user, even a completely non
1:17:38technical user is going to be like, wait a
minute, I don't understand this thumbprint
1:17:42thing, but I was totally cool with all
of these emails and password requirements
1:17:46and capital letters and all that stuff.
1:17:48Like nobody is going to say that
eventually, eventually they are going
1:17:51to say pass keys are so much faster.
1:17:54So much more streamlined, so much more
user experience optimized, but we are
1:17:58still in the process of getting there.
1:18:00And I know why people bristle at
that claim right now today, there's
1:18:05rough edges now, it's getting better.
1:18:08And I think there is a second Category
of those sort of uncanny valley symptoms,
1:18:14similar to how, like when web 2.
1:18:160 just started to become a thing and
people started to figure out how do I
1:18:19do authentication, in the like web 2.
1:18:230 world.
1:18:24where, like, I remember the first
PHP thing that I've built where
1:18:28I needed to authenticate users.
1:18:30I used good old, like, MD5
as, like, the password hash.
1:18:33Well, that very first system, I did
not hash at all, and then I used a
1:18:37much more secure thing, MD5, and then
I learned about Rainbow Tables, etc.
1:18:42And eventually, there's, like, things
like Auth0, etc., and, like, single
1:18:47sign on, which took away quite a lot
of that responsibility and that pain.
1:18:51But now as we're shifting to
local-first, we're reopening then
1:18:56all of those cans of worms again with
new security technologies, such as.
1:19:01Pass keys, et cetera.
1:19:02Things have moved on.
1:19:04now there are quantum computers possibly.
1:19:06So we need to rethink how
we even encrypt things.
1:19:09so it's a moving target.
1:19:11And I think right now there's probably
also the complexity an average app
1:19:15developer needs to think about in regards
to, making their app secure and private
1:19:21for users is much higher than what I
would say in five years from now, the
1:19:26local-first data frameworks that will
be available in five years from now,
1:19:31most of them are already having this
on the roadmap, but in five years, it's
1:19:35going to be, or even like in one year,
three years in the future is going to
1:19:39be, Much less complexity that a app
developer needs to think about today,
1:19:46we all appreciate and need to hear this
sort of lecture on like how all of that
1:19:51works, because the technologies are not
quite there yet, that I could just say.
1:19:57I pick my favorite local-first data stack,
and they all implement the best practices.
1:20:02And all I need to look for is sort of
like, Oh, the work with past keys is done.
1:20:06And I don't need to, as an app
developer and as an app user, I don't
1:20:10need to do anything more right now.
1:20:12As an app developer, you need to know
quite a bit about the moving pieces.
1:20:17And then each month and each
year by year, We can forget about
1:20:21the underlying implementation
details as all of that matures.
1:20:25So I just wanted to highlight that, and
that is a bit of an uncanny valley, but
1:20:30things are moving in the right direction.
1:20:32Every one of them currently is inventing
their own solution for identity in some ad
1:20:40hoc and informally specified way, right?
1:20:42They are all doing that right now.
1:20:45Of course as, as a human with an ego.
1:20:48I hope that they just see how
amazing this Wallet is that I build.
1:20:53And they're like, let's stop doing that.
1:20:54Let's just use Wallet, right?
1:20:55Like I hope that's the case in reality.
1:20:58I think they'll pick
something much lower level.
1:21:01And what I strongly assert they
should do is base it on passkeys.
1:21:06And I hope that even if nothing else that
I've done makes sense for your stack,
1:21:12the WebAuthn local client making it easy
for you to deal with the passkey system
1:21:16without worrying about the servers and
FIDO and all of that is, I think the way
1:21:20that local-first should go at a minimum.
1:21:23I hope that the other stuff I'm building
is useful, but at a minimum, I really
1:21:26think building that on top of a passkey
system, and I think a library like mine
1:21:31will make that much more approachable.
1:21:34I wanted to use passkeys, and I
didn't want to build a library for it.
1:21:39But when I surveyed the landscape of those
libraries, they were all server centric.
1:21:43And that's why I built one that
can at least work for the cases
1:21:47where a server might be optional.
1:21:49So for whoever has made it through all the
way to now and has like absorbed all of
1:21:55those details and hasn't had enough yet.
1:21:57I highly recommend you just
check out those amazing projects
1:22:01that Kyle has been working on.
1:22:03Both try to build a little app with it.
1:22:06And if you're extra curious, also
like look at the implementations.
1:22:10Actually not that much
code in most places.
1:22:12And you get to see how the web
APIs under the hood work in case
1:22:18you need to use something that's
a little bit more low level than
1:22:21you've already seen a mechanism,
a implementation, how this works.
1:22:25That's typically how I go
about those sort of things.
1:22:28I try to see, can I use an existing thing?
1:22:30And if not, then I try to learn from the
existing thing to build my own thing.
1:22:36And then this is sort of
this dance back and forth.
1:22:38Later on, the existing thing
is good enough and I throw
1:22:41away my own thing again.
1:22:42So try to learn from Kyle's
implementations and try to
1:22:46use them in your own apps.
1:22:48Before wrapping up this already pretty
long conversation, there was another
1:22:53project that I think you worked on before,
and I'm not sure how mature it is or
1:22:58whether it was more of an experiment,
but it did catch my attention because
1:23:02I thought it was, very interesting
and had a bunch of like putting
1:23:06things together in a novel way to me.
1:23:09and so the project I'm referencing
here is like the QR data sync project.
1:23:14Would you mind giving a overview what
that was about and also how it came to be?
1:23:20So, first of all, status.
1:23:21QR Data Sync is absolutely a first
class citizen in this same ecosystem
1:23:27and is absolutely going to be part of
the Wallet app that I'm building because
1:23:31we need multiple transport mechanisms
for data that go between devices.
1:23:37Obviously, a preference would be, make
it just happen super seamlessly under
1:23:42the covers with something like the
local peer to peer or another peer to
1:23:46peer protocol or Bluetooth or anything.
1:23:48It's like Any of those ways would
be better, but there is always
1:23:52going to be a need for fallbacks.
1:23:54And one of the fallbacks
is the QRDataSync.
1:23:58There's another one, which is
not a library that I wrote,
1:24:00but I absolutely intend to use.
1:24:02It's called SilentJS.
1:24:03SilentJS actually transmits data between
devices using supersonic sound waves.
1:24:09So it uses your microphone and
your speaker between two devices
1:24:13and it transmits data that way.
1:24:15Fascinating stuff.
1:24:16I didn't write that library, but I
think it's super awesome and that's
1:24:19going to be in the Wallet as an option
if you are trying to synchronize.
1:24:23Very important to point out.
1:24:25Some of these fallbacks are going to
be bandwidth limited and size limited.
1:24:29You're not going to synchronize
a gigabyte of data through
1:24:32sound waves or through QR codes.
1:24:35Okay, so the bare minimum that you
might do would be to synchronize
1:24:39your identity between those devices,
which is very small, you know, A
1:24:44couple of hundred bits of data.
1:24:46And then once you have that, you
now have established the ability
1:24:49to create a more secure tunnel
through other mechanisms through
1:24:52the internet or something like that.
1:24:54So that's where I see things like
QR data sync and silent JS being
1:24:58is kind of that lowest level.
1:25:00Let's synchronize my identities across
devices, but then all that heavier
1:25:04data synchronization stuff that's
going to happen, it should go through
1:25:07a more high throughput channel, like.
1:25:09You know, something that's or UDP based.
1:25:13Just briefly to touch on QR data sync,
the way that library works is it creates
1:25:18what are called animated QR codes,
not my original invention, but I saw
1:25:22it years and years ago, and then I
didn't really see it ever go anywhere.
1:25:25And it just stuck in the back of my head.
1:25:27An animated QR code is nothing
more complicated than a whole
1:25:32bunch of QR codes shown in rapid
succession, like an animated frame.
1:25:37Each QR code can have
a chunk of data in it.
1:25:39And so you take a big chunk of data,
say like, you know, 10k of data.
1:25:44It's a string.
1:25:45You just break that up into a series
of chunks, and then you do some
1:25:49padding so that you make sure that
the QR codes are all uniformly sized.
1:25:52And then you just show
those chunks in succession.
1:25:56My protocol in this library just has
a very tiny little header on it that
1:26:00has the total number of frames that
are going to be shown and what the
1:26:03frame index is that's being shown.
1:26:05So then you have a camera on a different
device that is reading QR codes.
1:26:09And by the way, it's reading
them very, very quickly.
1:26:11It reads them in like less than 15
milliseconds or something, but you
1:26:15just hold up your camera to a device
that's displaying a set of animated
1:26:20codes and the camera is reading those.
1:26:22And it's just doing an infinite
cycle, by the way, the sending is
1:26:26just sending them all in order because
your camera might miss a few of them.
1:26:30And so it just holds in its memory,
all the ones that it knows that
1:26:33it needs until it just keeps.
1:26:35keeps going until it has read all of
the frames, and then it reconstitutes
1:26:40the data on the other side.
1:26:41So that's what QR Data Sync is.
1:26:43It is hopefully a fallback mechanism
at best, but it's certainly
1:26:47going to be an important key
piece of what Wallet is doing.
1:26:51I love this so much.
1:26:53This stimulates so many parts
of like, what I like as a geek.
1:26:58particularly when some, Digitally
tricky concepts become visually
1:27:04a little bit more tangible.
1:27:07And given that here with a QR data
sync, the visible and visual component,
1:27:13but given that you've also mentioned
the Salient project, which move
1:27:17that to another dimension, to the
dimension of like hearing and sound.
1:27:21this sparks all sorts of like ideas
in my head in the same way, where you
1:27:25can, somewhat style a QR code to look
a little bit more like, brand related.
1:27:30I'm wondering, could I actually
make the audio pairing, whether I
1:27:35can, manipulate that in a way to
be related to what you're doing.
1:27:41In my head, there's sort of like those,
those like old school modem sounds.
1:27:45So it's like back to the future in a way.
1:27:48so I'm, I'm very glad I
asked about this project.
1:27:51and it's not just a very, curious
and cool aspect of it, but I think
1:27:56it's also very practical and that's
something that, people in the Web 2.
1:28:010 world are already quite familiar with.
1:28:03What I've mentioned before, whether
you're pairing a, WhatsApp app from one
1:28:08device to another that is not animated.
1:28:11This is where a single static
frame already is enough.
1:28:15But I think the patterns are already
there, end users are familiar with
1:28:20them, and putting this all together in a
pluggable way that allows for different
1:28:25options, all under this umbrella of
your packages that you're working on.
1:28:30Super fascinating stuff.
1:28:32So Kyle, I think we're already
running well on time here.
1:28:36but I really, really appreciate you coming
on, sharing your background, sharing what
1:28:41led you to local-first and then sharing
everything about your explorations and
1:28:46deep work and local-first identity,
AuthN, local vault, all of those projects.
1:28:52Thank you so much for sharing all of that.
1:28:54Can I give one last little tidbit?
1:28:56The world, if we went back 10 years,
and if you tried to convince people 10
1:29:01years ago, that the whole world needed
to move away from usernames and passwords
1:29:07as the single factor for authentication
and that the whole world was going to
1:29:12move to owning multiple devices and we
were going to be able to like generate
1:29:16these numeric codes that were randomly
changing in time and things like that.
1:29:20And if you told people 10 years
ago that billions of people in the
1:29:24world would do that, most people
would say that'll never happen.
1:29:28But if you fast forward 5 or 10 years, the
vast majority of the world has upgraded
1:29:32to multi factor for authentication.
1:29:35We've still got a long way to go.
1:29:37I'm not saying that it's a fixed
problem, but we have absolutely
1:29:41upgraded the world to understanding
the concepts of multi factor.
1:29:45So what I'm suggesting in the move forward
with going to a Wallet and going to this
1:29:50local-first identity is akin to that.
1:29:53Will it take a while and will it
take users changing their mindset
1:29:58and will it take big players pushing
it and requiring the adoption?
1:30:02Yeah, it absolutely will.
1:30:04It's a, it is a hill to climb, but I
just wanted to point out that, concept of
1:30:10multi factor auth is not going to go away.
1:30:12It's just going to evolve in this app.
1:30:15So for example.
1:30:17This app is going to have a TOTP number
generator, where you can use it as a
1:30:21second factor of auth, but instead of you
having to look at your phone and then type
1:30:26in the numbers, if you have the Wallet app
on your phone and on your laptop, and your
1:30:30laptop is challenging you for a second
factor of auth, All you need to do is
1:30:34open up the Wallet app on your phone and
say, give me a code and instantaneously
1:30:39that code can synchronize to the Wallet
on your desktop and then paste from the
1:30:43Wallet on your desktop into the form.
1:30:46You don't need to sit here and type
all of these numbers so we can have an
1:30:50upgraded view of what second and multi
factor auth is if we go in this direction.
1:30:56And that's one of the things I'm
most excited about because we should
1:30:58not be compromising on security.
1:31:00We should be upgrading security, but also,
as you've said several times, putting the
1:31:05user experience first and foremost here.
1:31:08I think arguably a lot of the multi factor
auth was pretty rough for users at first.
1:31:13SMS codes and all these other
things, you know, waiting 10 minutes
1:31:16for a text message to come in.
1:31:18We still have a lot of that.
1:31:19There's still a long way to go.
1:31:20But because we've made so much progress
there, I am very bullish on the fact
1:31:24that we can make the same kind of
progress towards this web 2.5 where we
1:31:29own our data and we own our identities
as we take them through different
1:31:33apps and through different devices.
1:31:36That's a wonderful summary.
1:31:37I'm very excited about that future.
1:31:39Kyle, thank you so much for
sharing all of that with us today.
1:31:43Thank you for having me.
1:31:44It's been a thrill to dig into it.
1:31:47Thank you for listening to
the Local First FM podcast.
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1:32:03A special thanks again to Rosicorp and
PowerSync for supporting this podcast.
1:32:07I'll see you next time